Moon Breakers
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ohai 8)

Agent of Change
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ohai 8) Empty ohai 8)

Post by Kinny Mon Jun 18, 2012 1:40 am

ohai 8) I'm Kin 8D

Loki mentioned the forum in the lobby after some kinds words in my direction after a match, so I felt the need to actually post a self-introduction after signing up a few days ago. I also bumped into FoxHound and longshot, and juice earlier in the day.. hai guys! Lots of very familiar names in the memberlist.. Sorry I had to use Kinny as my forum name, they already had a Kin. *feeling less unique*

I started playing Moon Breakers after the Steam release. I did try Moon Breakers much earlier on Chrome, I always knew I'd love it.. But back then my computer could barely manage 5 fps. This time around, I threw in a GPU card specifically to play Moon Breakers 8D

I love my Mamba. That thrill of feathering my afterburner.. soaring around rocks in space.. that sense of speed 8D CtF is my favorite. ..I also have a pet-peeve with veto abuse >.> Whenever I hear "veto CtF" I habitually say "veto is for the weak" or, "just surrender to me, I'll make it quick, no need to veto 8D"

But if most people want to veto, then I'll play! Even in a failed mission there is fun and opportunity to improve. I love Moon Breakers because you can do what the other guys can! They can shoot, but you can too! Learn from your enemy! See how they do things, and practice it yourself. Find a style where you perform at your best, but don't fall into a habit. Also... I'll make them pay for vetoing just to get a CA match! I'll take their carrier every time! *pirate laugh* Although, when it gets bad, I wonder if veto should cost an inoffensive amount, 100 cred or something, just to second guess grinding for cred, instead of enjoying the variety of the game.

One of the first things I learned from my enemy was taking out those 2 side turrets, and sitting in that cubby as a bomber sending nukes to the other side 8D I practiced that later on in an empty server until I matched his technique. Ha! I wingmanned for Loki today during CA, and learned a new place to sit between nuke reloads 8)

Currently, my biggest problem is afterburner abuse. I get aggressive and run dry far too often *quack* *ded* I also want to exude more finesse in my runs, I overuse the carrier launch towards my mission goals. So I internally penalize myself for deaths.. although I love that the game isn't so hard about that.. it keeps it fun. That is why I want to minimize my dishonorable overuse of suicide missions for turret popping, nuke payloads, and moving the flag 500m nearer. I also see that skilled heavies are turning faster than me in dogfights, so there's something more I need to learn there 8) I did finally figure out the zoom-out thing, although I don't think it helped me lol And I -still- can't get fast-cannon leading right. Is it: Most lead- Machine gun; Medium lead- Fast-cannon; Minimal lead- Beam. ?

Early on I decided to save up cred for a premium ship before I bought anything. Even after the cred price reduction, I'm still using a Mamba and Rhino until I earn enough for the pre-reduction cost. I learn so much by being handicapped against better opponents, I feel like I grow stronger faster, out of necessity to hang in there by my teeth. Once I get that ship I'll be able to upgrade it instantly too 8) I also fly the free-rotation ships with no upgrades, hoping it will give me an easier time to spot differences on a level, and find my true machine.

I don't have a mic setup, so I feel weird connecting to the vent server just to listen >.> I was hoping the chatbox in the forums would be usable for my incessant noobly questions, but it kicks everyone out so quickly 8/ So I made an actual #MoonBreakers IRC channel, which can be reached through various web browser clients, pick your favorite--> TFlash: - lightIRC: - Mibbit: I manage a few IRC channels as a hobby, so it's in my bag of tricks. Ya'll are welcome to idle, and see if we get any newcomers with questions... myself included >.> And the channel will not kick anyone out, so maybe that will be helpful 8)

Also, a secret... In my head, I hear the word "Kin" every time I hear: "Ah ha ha! You're a danger to society Kin!" 8D

Posts : 2
Join date : 2012-06-15

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ohai 8) Empty Re: ohai 8)

Post by Agent of Change Mon Jun 18, 2012 1:42 am

Welcome welcome welcome, My dead Men (longshot and Foxhound) have mentioned your name.

It's good to have you.

Have a look around check out the squadrons and I hope to see you out there, and we don't mind lurkers in vent. Also note that there is a chat in the vent server (hit CHAT) and most of us have Text to speech activated so you type we hear so just cause you don't have a mic should keep you from getting in on all the sociability.

Kill in good Health!
Agent of Change
Agent of Change

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ohai 8) Empty Re: ohai 8)

Post by longshot Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:04 am

Hey Kin, welcome to the forums ... and what an introductory post Smile I think most of us here hate the vetoers as much as you - we want to play everything & get good at it, not repeatedly grind for points.

Currently, my biggest problem is afterburner abuse. I get aggressive and run dry far too often *quack* *ded* I also want to exude more finesse in my runs, I overuse the carrier launch towards my mission goals. So I internally penalize myself for deaths.. although I love that the game isn't so hard about that.. it keeps it fun. That is why I want to minimize my dishonorable overuse of suicide missions for turret popping, nuke payloads, and moving the flag 500m nearer. I also see that skilled heavies are turning faster than me in dogfights, so there's something more I need to learn there Cool I did finally figure out the zoom-out thing, although I don't think it helped me lol And I -still- can't get fast-cannon leading right. Is it: Most lead- Machine gun; Medium lead- Fast-cannon; Minimal lead- Beam. ?

That's what I love about this game as well - it seems deceptively simple, but once you get into it you realise how much depth there is in its gameplay. You're already the best Mamba pilots I've (other skilled light pilots seem to progress quickly to the paid-for ships), yet as you say there's always more to learn.

The fastest turner I've witnessed with a heavy has got to be buzuku, and I wish I knew how he does it. He's just as agile in a Panther as well. Zooming out tends to throw your aim off, at least at first (or it did me anyway), but its worth it for the benefit of the extra peripheral vision hence faster reaction time.

As I posted here - - Bullets travel at a speed of 750 (I presume thats metres per second), Cannon at 800, and Beam at either 3500 or 4000. So you'd lead with cannon just a little less than bullets, but beam is far less - you're usually looking to aim straight at the target. I'm trying to get the hang of flying a krait atm, and it takes a lot of getting used to especially as it won't drift like a Mamba - you can't just hang sideways lining the target up, as the acceleration blasts you towards it.

I don't have a mic setup, so I feel weird connecting to the vent server just to listen

If you get a chance, perhaps buy a headset? There's pretty cheap ones out there that would do the job Smile

>.> I was hoping the chatbox in the forums would be usable for my incessant noobly questions, but it kicks everyone out so quickly 8/ So I made an actual #MoonBreakers IRC channel, which can be reached through various web browser clients, pick your favorite--> TFlash: - lightIRC: - Mibbit: I manage a few IRC channels as a hobby, so it's in my bag of tricks. Ya'll are welcome to idle, and see if we get any newcomers with questions... myself included >.> And the channel will not kick anyone out, so maybe that will be helpful Cool

Wow nice Smile I wonder if these could be linked at the top of the page? :: looks @ admins ::

Anyway, welcome again, hope to see your name in orange soon (hint hint!)

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ohai 8) Empty Re: ohai 8)

Post by jazzycat Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:39 am

Heya Kin,

Welcome aboard! Glad to have you join us, your enthusiasm for the game is awesome! cheers

Don't worry about being a lurker on Vent, you or anyone else who's interested/curious/no mic; just pop on, lurk, get vent-chat open and say a few words there, whatever suits you.

Dead-set love the Mamba as well, so I'm glad there's another pilot out there who's in favor of it by choice, on top of learning the ins and outs of the maneuvers/techniques that suit the class. If you feel up to it, write up a ship-review (in character or as yourself, or BOTH if it's all one and the same, lol) and post it in the Hangar. Would love to see what your perspective on that ship is.

Happy hunting, Pilot!

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ohai 8) Empty Re: ohai 8)

Post by Nyxy Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:31 am

The mamba rules. Only the viper is better all-round than the Mamba. All the other light fighters have a niche; speed for the sidewinder, guns for the cobra, and they all have a draw-back to offset the advantage.

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ohai 8) Empty Re: ohai 8)

Post by jazzycat Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:45 am

Nyxy wrote: they all have a draw-back to offset the advantage.

I do believe the Mamba's draw-back is "paper plane" Very Happy

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ohai 8) Empty Re: ohai 8)

Post by Loki Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:17 am

Hi Kin,
I did notice you hovering there with me. Well done, and excellent tactical learning Smile

Quick edit:
Nyxy said "All the other light fighters have a niche; speed for the sidewinder, guns for the cobra, and they all have a draw-back to offset the advantage."

For my thoughts on the Cobra, go here.

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